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Old Apr 26, 2006, 05:12 AM // 05:12   #161
Desert Nomad
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Default Merged: Character Slots

Is it just me, or is everyone fine with the fact that they are stealing 2 character slots from us? I don't think that's entirely fair that I am paying just as much as I did for the last game and getting only half the character slots. Heck, you might as well just give us three slots per campaign in the first place so we don't feel so... robbed... Afterall, it does seem rather ridiculous that I'd have to throw away 2 characters just so that I can unlock all the skills to even have the ability of having a fair chance.

Seriously. 2 character slots or on equal ground with everyone in PVP? Seems like they're forcing you to combine and kill 2 characters, otherwise you'll be at a disadvantage. That's pretty rotten.
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Old Apr 26, 2006, 05:19 AM // 05:19   #162
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Woah!! Calm down!!

If a player merge a Prophecies key to a Factions key, then he/she get the 6 slots. In this case, a Prophecies character (or an ascended one) CAN go to Cantha, and likewise, an "ascended" Canthan can go visit Tyria.

If a player puts in a Factions key but does not have a full Prophecies key, then that player gets 4 slots, but no access to Tyria.

To me, that sounds fair.
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Old Apr 26, 2006, 07:01 AM // 07:01   #163
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The only thing I have to add to this thread for the complainers, is this:

Would you rather pay a flat fee and have SIX (which is NOT bad) character slots and go along your merry way, or have EIGHT and be paying monthly fees to ANet? I try not to complain with Factions decisions because they could easily make us all pay $10-15 bucks a month.
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Old Apr 26, 2006, 08:03 AM // 08:03   #164
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Originally Posted by Chris1986
I try not to complain with Factions decisions because they could easily make us all pay $10-15 bucks a month.
They can't make us do anything, we're not subservient to them! They would be risking the customer base they built their whole business model on. I can tell you the reason I'm playing GW is the lack of a subscription. However cool it may be, I wouldn't be giving them my money Factions if they decided out of the blue to make it subscription-based.
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